Practice Areas

Constitution — Fifth Amendment

Constitution — Fifth Amendment

Challenging government infringement of property rights under the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause is one of the cornerstones of our practice. Since the Firm’s founding, we have been at the forefront of property-rights litigation, and our cases have repeatedly broken new legal ground and turned back egregious instances of government abuse. Our pioneering litigation in this area has earned us the respect of judges and elite lawyers across the country.

Our attorneys have decades of experience defending companies and individuals against government overreach in high-stakes litigation. The firms we have represented span every corner of the American economy, from financial institutions to pharmaceutical companies, mining ventures to the telecommunications industry. In bet-the-firm disputes when a business’s most significant assets are on the line, companies have repeatedly turned to Cooper and Kirk for counsel and defense against the government’s appropriation of their property. The results speak for themselves: we have secured hundreds of millions of dollars for property owners from States and the federal government.

As in the Firm’s other practice areas, our attorneys’ unparalleled experience in Fifth Amendment Takings-Clause cases extends to both trial and appellate litigation. We have won dispositive motions, chalked up trial victories, and prevailed on appeal in courts throughout the land. Our experience in Fifth Amendment litigation has also led in particular to a deep competency in handling complex cases in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit—the courts where much of the Takings-Clause litigation against the federal government is heard.

Our unyielding defense of the interests of our clients in this area is also in harmony with our Firm’s most basic commitments. Simply put, we are passionate about the Constitution’s protection of property owners, and our Fifth Amendment litigation is grounded in the fundamental, deeply held belief that no value is more important to America’s constitutional order than the inalienable right to private property.

Validity of Nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Level of Court
US Court of Appeals - Federal Circuit

Overview We represent a mutual fund and a number of insurance companies challenging the validity of the nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The suits challenge the government’s expropriation of 100 percent of the companies’ profits in violation of FHFA’s and Treasury’s statutory authority, binding contractual commitments, and the takings clause of the Fifth Amendment. The government profited from the transactions we are challenging by over $120 billion.

US Government Breach of Contract - Takings Claim - $205 Million Award
Level of Court
US Court of Federal Claims

Overview We represented AmBase Corporation in a takings claim against the United States. The taking caused AmBase to lose its entire property interest in its wholly-owned subsidiary, Carteret Bancorp. The case resulted in a $205 million trial verdict.

Class Action - Mississippi River Gulf Outlet Damage Caused During Hurricane Katrina
Level of Court
US Court of Federal Claims

Overview We represented public and private real property owners in a large class action against the United States alleging that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ construction, operation, maintenance, and dredging of the 76-mile long navigational channel connecting the Gulf of Mexico and the Port of New Orleans caused severe flooding on their properties during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita for which the Fifth Amendment requires just compensation.

Taking's Claim Jurisdiction
Level of Court
US Court of Appeals - Third Circuit

Overview We successfully represented Transcapital Financial Corporation and American Capital Corporation in an appeal of a decision regarding jurisdiction of the district court over takings claims after our clients’ wholly-owned thrift subsidiary was placed in receivership.